Monday, April 27, 2009

Света Тројица / Holy Trinity

Инспирисано чувеном иконом коју је насликао Св. Андреј Рубљов(1360-1427), највећи средњевековни руски православни иконописац и фреско-сликар. У Православној иконографији, ова икона се сматра за најлепшу представу Свете Тројице.
Акрилик на платну, 70x50 цм.

This painting is inspired by world famous icon, painted by Andrey Rublyov(1360-1427), the greatest medieval Russian painter of Orthodox icons and frescoes. In Orthodox iconography, this icon is considered to be the most beautiful representation of Holy Trinity.
Acrylic on canvas 70x50 cm.


Savko Pećić Pesa said...

Šta reći, odlično Vladimire. Samo da poželim da ti dobro ide i na prodaji, ako Bog da.

Catilustre said...

i like these warm soft colours like the italian renassaince!
I'm impressed how you can change the style perfectly for each subject!

Vladimir Bursać said...

за Песу: Хвала Вам Савко. Овај рад је сликан по поруџбини, тако да је већ продат. :о)

to CATI: This painting is inspired by world famous icon, painted by Andrey Rublyov(1360-1427), the greatest medieval Russian painter of Orthodox icons and frescoes. In Orthodox iconography, this icon is considered to be the most beautiful representation of Holy Trinity.
Thanks for your kind words.

Xosroviduxt said...

Amazing work!At first i thought it's Rubliov's original icon :).